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About the piece

This creation explores the notions of identity and transformation, through a process of research and composition, involving relations between presence, gestures and vocality. 
This solo performance alternates between different mediums such as walking, movements that engage extended vocalizations and vocal and bodily imaginaries linked to a genealogical research. The audience, positioned at the center of the setup, is invited to embark on a journey where different human and non-human forms are conjured. From one metamorphosis to another, a whole range of real or fictitious forms appear and disappear.

Co-producer: Ici l'Onde — CNCM

Partners : Le Dancing CDCN Dijon Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Cité de la Voix de Vezelay et La Scène Faramine.

Upcoming dates
Dijon (21)
Le Consortium

Christine BERTOCCHI — Sound and gesture creation, performance: 
Agnès BENOIT — External perspective
Julie LARDROT — Costume creation and design
Julien LANAUD — Light creation and technical design

Past dates
Pierre-Pertuis (89)
La Scène Faramine – 5 rue des Acacias – Précy-le-Moult – 89450 Pierre Perthuis
Vezelay (89)
La Cité de la Voix – 4, rue de l’Hôpital BP4 – 89450 Vézelay
Sortie de résidence à Quincerot (21)
Studio de la Compagnie
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