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Mouvement de Voix

with Christine Bertocchi

dates Dates
24.07.17 → 28.07.17
lieu Location
In the village of Quincerot (Côte d'Or), France. At the Compagnie D'un instant à l'autre's work studio.
duree Duration
30 hours
Participants' profiles

Singers from all music backgrounds, actors, music teachers, choir directors.

Teaching content

Each day we will explore movements stemming from vocal sounds, the collective FeldenkraisTM practice directly applied to voice training, extended voice techniques, and connections between the spoken and singing voice. Individual work based on pieces chosen from each participant’s familiar repertoire will be included throughout the workshop. 

Teacher's biography

As a singer, Christine's interest takes her toward multidisciplinary works for choreographers and theater directors, collective performances and personnal works.
She teaches vocal techniques, vocal improvisation, musical theater and ways to integrate body and stage work (Certified Feldenkrais® practitioner since 2000). She teaches in professional training settings for musicians, singers, dancers or actors (Harmoniques in Paris, ARIAM, CNFPT, Afdas training sessions, Opera Houses), throughout France and beyond.

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