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O Passo, beyond the first steps...

with Lucas Ciavatta

dates Dates
08.07.17 → 12.07.17
duree Durée
30 hours
Publics concernés

Instrumentalists, singers, music and movement teachers, choir directors, holders of a DUMI diploma, dancers, artists with a practice in rhythmical work with a previous O Passo method experience.


Objectifs pédagogiques

To further the principles, concepts, tools and skills worked within the O Passo musical education method in connection to each trainee’s field: instrumental practice, danced movement, theatrical acting, choir’s directing. 

A propos de l’intervenant(e)

Lucas Ciavatta, a musician with a Masters in Education, is the creator of O Passo. He is the director of the O Passo Institute and also director of the percussion and chant group Bloco d'O Passo.

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